I thought it amazing that such a message should be carried on the front page of a national daily newspaper. What a message of hope in a desperate world! I used the newspaper message in last Tuesday's lunchtime service. I also decided to have "God is in Control" as the theme for yesterday's morning service.
Of course, it's not hard to believe that God is in control when life is easy. However, when we face difficult times, are under stress, and things seem to be going wrong, that's when our faith can be really tested - do we really believe that God is in control?
After having preached yesterday morning on "God is in control", I came home, had a quick sandwich, then Sue and I headed off to visit her mother who is in hospital in Hull. It had to be a fairly brief visit, because I had to get back in time to prepare for my evening service. As we neared home, I managed to nudge the car in front at a roundabout (I thought she was setting off, so looked right to see what was coming; unfortunately she must have braked, which I didn't spot early enough). There was no apparent damage to either car, but from a subsequent telephone call it seems that she wants to make a claim. Is God in control?
It's been a stressful time in a number of ways for Sue and I recently. Sue's mother's cancer has spread to her bones, and she has been in and out of hospital in recent weeks. It has become clear that she is no longer able to care for herself. We still don't really know the full prognosis, and it's hard to plan ahead for when we move to Leicester in the summer, when mother-in-law is due to come with us. Sue has been travelling across to Hull regularly in recent weeks; this on top of her part-time work in Sheffield, having to think about how her mother can be cared for, and also trying to help her aunt, who is also planning to move to Leicester with us! All this on top of the fact the we are getting behind with sorting and packing for the move.
Experts say that moving house is one of the major sources of stress. Although we feel that this is the right time for us to move, and that Leicester is the place God wants us to move to, neither of us is looking forward to the process of leaving Doncaster and the friends we have made here (not to mention our daughter, son-in-law, and soon-to-be-born grandchild!) An added complication is that as yet we don't know for definite where we will be moving to in Leicester. The plan to sell the current manse and buy a new one hasn't yet materialised - the currently depressed housing market isn't helping.
All in all, it isn't the easiest of times for Sue and I right now! But this is the sort of experience which reveals whether we really do believe that God is in control. I must admit that life isn't easy, and that there have been times when I've felt more positive about things. But I remember the words of St Paul, 'All things work together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to his purpose'. I have to believe that God is in control, even though humanly speaking it doesn't appear so. I know that God can work things out for the good, when we can't see the way forward. God has never failed us in the past, and he won't fail us now. God IS in control!
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