Monday 8 February 2010

Unique and known by God

At Priory, which is my town centre church, we have something called Restawhile. It has been going for many years, since long before I arrived in Doncaster. On market day mornings the church is open to serve tea and coffee. It is a service offered to anyone who is out and about in the town centre. Restawhile has proved to be very popular, and attracts folk from around South Yorkshire and even further afield. Over the course of an average year over 20,000 cups of tea or coffee are served (and that’s a lot of washing up!)

Just as important as the actual serving of light refreshments is the opportunity Restawhile provides for social interaction. Quite a number of Restawhile regulars meet up and spend time with friends over a cuppa. The Restawhile volunteers, who serve the tea and coffee, get to know the regulars and build up relationships with them over time. Trying to be welcoming and friendly is very much a part of the Restawhile philosophy.

Whenever I have opportunity I like to pop in to Restawhile and have a chat with some of the customers. It gives me the opportunity of meeting and getting to know some of the folk who come onto our premises. A few days ago I had a fascinating conversation with one lady who I had known for some time. During the course of the conversation she told me something about her family history; how her family had lost almost everything in the great depression, and how as a girl she was brought up by a single mum with very little by way of material comforts.

The story continued into her adult life, marriage, childbearing, bereavement, and on to her grandson who has behavioural difficulties. I was fascinated by this lady’s story, and suggested that she write her biography! It is unlikely that she will do so, which is a shame because life stories like hers would, I am sure, be of interest to many.

As I later reflected on that conversion, into my mind came the thought that EVERY human being has their own unique story to tell. Indeed, every human being is God’s unique creation, created by him and in his image. In God’s sight every human being is special and precious, and every human life is of value. How easily we group people together: “the elderly”, “the disabled”, “the French” etc., when in reality every group is made up of individuals.

I was interested to hear of
Virgin Money’s plans to create new high street banks in the traditional style, where customers are treated as individuals (not numbers!) and are able to know and be known by their bank manager. I guess that many people will appreciate this new/old approach. But isn’t it wonderful that Almighty God, who created all things, knows each one of us intimately, treats us as individuals, and longs that we might know and love him?

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