Saturday 6 October 2012

What is hidden will be disclosed

I was probably not alone at being shocked by reading of the allegations which have recently been made public concerning the late Jimmy Saville.  Jimmy Saville was a larger-than-life character, who appeared to be hugely popular both from his radio and TV work and from his long-term support of several charities.  Although it has often been said that in some ways he was a rather private person, his public persona led him to becoming amongst the best known and loved celebrities in the country.

When Jimmy Saville died late last year at the age of 84, Leeds Cathedral was crowded by people who wanted to say goodbye, and many well-known faces were amongst the mourners. Even Prince Charles was one of those who had paid tribute to Saville following news of his death.  And so Jimmy Saville was laid to rest in beloved Scarborough, apparently with his coffin at a 45 degree angle so that he could view the sea!   He appeared to have died with a very positive reputation amongst the British public, a much cherished face had passed from our lives.

But now things have changed.  An ITV documentary has brought to light serious allegations about Saville's conduct over a number of years.  I am not in a position to pass judgement on the matter.  It seems apparent, however, that a number of people have come forward with allegations.  Not only that, but from what is emerging it is also clear that some people have been aware of strong rumours (to say the least) of Saville's behaviour for many years, and yet they chose, for whatever reason, not to make the allegations public.  There appears to have been a drive to keep the issue under wraps.

To a very large extent the allegations were hidden from the public; until now, that is.  Some have questioned whether pursuing the matter will achieve anything, given the fact that even if the allegations are true, Jimmy Saville can never be brought to account.  Perhaps a more pressing questions is how and why these matters were not brought out into the open long before now.

People have been quick to turn their anger at Jimmy Saville.  A plaque in his memory has been defaced.  The truth is, of course, that we all have things which we hope will remain hidden; things we have said or done which we hope will never be brought into the open.  It is perhaps a little ironic that in my Bible reading this week I came across some words of Jesus recorded in Mark's gospel,  'everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.' (Mark 4:22).

One day each one of us will have to stand before the judgement seat of God, when all will be revealed.  Even Jimmy Saville can't escape that reality.

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