Monday 30 March 2015

Touching the depths

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, a day when Christians remember particularly the occasion when Jesus rode into Jerusalem in a donkey. It was a significant event, not least because Jesus knew that in a few days' time he would be arrested, beaten, and sentenced to death.  One of the potential problems with having 'special' days in the Church year is that as we observe them over a period of years, we can become so familiar with them that we almost take them for granted, and their true significance can lose its place in our hearts and minds.

Sometimes, however, we catch a real depth of insight and emotional connection with a biblical event.  Yesterday evening was one such occasion, when I found myself deeply moved during our Palm Sunday evening service.  The service was at Markfield Methodist Church, one of the 3 churches of which I am privileged to be Minister.  The Markfield choir took a significant part in the service.  Although it was Palm Sunday, much of our focus was on the cross, and the sacrifice which Jesus made.

There was a very real sense of God's presence with us, and many in the congregation felt themselves touched at a very deep level.  The reality and significance of the events of Holy Week were brought home to us.  For a number of people at the service, and certainly for me, the most moving part was when the choir sang Steiner's wonderful piece, "God so loved the world."  There can't have been too many dry eyes after that!  Something indefinable happened as our hearts were led to focus on the depths of God's amazing love for this broken world.

I have listened to a number online recordings today.  Although I haven't been able to quite recapture the emotions of yesterday evening, I can't help thinking that this is one of the most inspirational compositions ever written.  God so loved the world - including me and you!

You might like to ponder on that wonderful truth as you listen here.

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