Wednesday 30 September 2015

A priceless story

Some years ago I developed an interest in and love for old books.  One of the things which I enjoy whenever I get the opportunity is browsing a second hand or antiquarian bookshop. Often, when I hold a second-hand book in my hand, especially if it is 100 or more years old, I wonder about the story it could tell if a book could talk about its previous owners and its journey through the years.  If I happen to discover a particularly interesting book at a reasonable price I find myself sorely tempted.  My wife Sue would say that I have given in to temptation far too often (and she has a point).

I recently came across an online auction which listed as one of the lots for sale an English language Bible dating back to 1537.  Considering the fact that the first complete Bible in the English language was not published until 1535, the 1537 Bible was of real historical significance.  (Incidentally, the history of the English Bible is a fascinating, if at times very disturbing, tale - if you are interested, see HERE).

The auction estimate for the Bible was £200-£300, which although in one sense was a lot of money, for a Bible of such rarity and significance it was perhaps not unreasonable.  I was able to follow the auction online, and was astonished to see the price continue to rise until the winning bid was announced as £29,500.  Quite an expensive Bible!

The truth is that the Bible is far more precious than monetary value can measure.  Through the pages of the Bible we learn about God's plan and purpose for human life.  The Bible has been described as a love story, in which God continually seeks to drawn to himself in love a wayward people.  Time and again God offers his grace and forgiveness, and ultimately sends his Son, Jesus Christ, to make a way through which our relationship with our Creator can be restored.  

As the Holy Spirit brings to life the pages of the Bible, the Bible can transform lives.  I have heard a number of people give testimony, over the years, of how it was through reading the Bible they came to faith in Jesus, and experienced the new and full life which he offers.  Now that really is priceless!

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