Monday 4 December 2017

5 life-changing words

One of my favourite Bible passages, especially from the Old Testament, is the account in Exodus chapter 3 of the call of Moses.  At this period of time, Moses was not in a good place.  In fact, he was a fugitive from justice, having had to flee from Egypt after he had murdered an Egyptian soldier.  He ended up in a foreign land, Midian, and found himself working as a lowly shepherd, looking after his flock on the edge of a desert.  One imagines that he was probably feeling fairly fed up.

"Out of sight, out of mind" is the saying.  Yet God had his eyes on Moses.  What's more, God had big plans for him - he was to be the one who would lead God's people out of slavery in Egypt and to the Promised Land.  It's great how God so often chooses the most unlikely of people for his work (he chose me, after all!)  Yet when God revealed his plan to Moses, Moses was completely overawed.  The Good News translation puts Moses' response like this: 'But Moses said to God, “I am nobody. How can I go to the king and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”' (Exodus 3.11).

Moses thought of himself as a nobody.  He had completely messed up his life, or so he thought.  But God had other ideas.  To Moses, the task God set before him was way too big for him to accomplish.  No way can I do that!!  God's response to Moses was to speak these 5 life-changing words, 'I WILL BE WITH YOU.'  Even after those words of reassurance, Moses still took a bit of persuading, but it was those words, and the promise which lay behind them, which made all the difference.  Moses knew that whatever he was to face, he would not have to do it alone.

One of my Bibles, which I treasure, was given to me by my parents many years ago.  In the front of the Bible, my Mum has written words from the Old Testament book of Joshua.  These are words of encouragement which which God spoke to Joshua after Joshua had been chosen by God as Moses' successor (very big shoes to fill!): 'Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go' (Joshua 1.9).  Those words have meant such a lot to me over the years, especially in times of struggle, or when I have felt totally inadequate for the role to which God has called me.

The glorious good news is that whatever struggles we may face, whatever trials we come up against, whenever we are feeling overwhelmed by life, God is with us.  We are NEVER alone.  I know that I could never have survived 27 years in the Methodist Ministry without that knowledge that God has called me and God is with me!

We are now in the period of Advent, as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  One of the names given to Jesus is "Immanuel" which means "God with us".  In a world with so many problems, how we need to be hear again that life-changing promise - I WILL BE WITH YOU!


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