Thursday 10 February 2011

Life, Death, and ?

If I am at Priory on a Thursday morning, I like to spend some time with the members of the Priory Art Group. Although I did, many years ago, manage to scrape through my Art 'O' Level exam, I have never been under the illusion that I have a particular talent in that area. That said, I can still appreciate art (though I am under strict instructions from my wife not to buy any more paintings, as we don't have any spare wall space!)

I enjoy having a chat with the Art Group members; they are a friendly lot. It is interesting that there are occasions when some members come and go without ever getting their art materials out – they spend the time chatting! Personally I think that's a positive sign, and indicates that some strong friendships have developed in the group over the years.

This morning the atmosphere was rather subdued, with the news that two members of the group had died during the past week. One death was not unexpected, as the lady concerned had been ill for some time. The other death came as a shock, and was the result of an accident. For the families and friends of the two people concerned, it is a sad time. Parting is never easy, especially when it comes through death. The death of a friend or loved one brings us face to face with our own mortality.

It was Benjamin Franklin who famously made the point, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Even though we don't always like to face up to it, the truth is that for all of us a time will come when our heart will stop beating and our earthly life will come to an end. The big question is, “What, if anything, comes next?”

The promise held out by Jesus is that for those who believe in him there is the assurance of a life beyond this life, a life in the very presence of God, a life free from the pain and sadness of this earthly life. Whatever joy and blessing we experience on planet earth, it is a pale shadow of what is to come for those who follow Jesus. And what's more, the invitation to follow him is open to all!

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