Thursday 24 February 2011

Stand or run?

The Bible is an amazing book, not least because it contains some wonderful promises. One of the promises, at first sight, however, doesn't seem that good. In the 16th chapter of John's gospel, as Jesus speaks to his disciples and warns them of some tough times to come, he states, 'In this world you will have trouble' (or 'tribulation' as the older translations put it). Now that doesn't sound to me like a very comforting 'promise'!

Some people give the impression that if a person makes the decision to follow Jesus, life for that person will suddenly become much easier and more or less trouble-free. There is nowhere in the Bible where that is suggested! In fact, the opposite is true. Jesus makes it quite clear that to become his follower is a costly business, and that being his follower will not immunise us from trouble in this life. The big question we face as disciples/followers of Jesus is: how do we react when the troubles times arrive?

In 2009 my little brother (in age but not in waist size!) Phil moved to New Zealand to become National Director of
Church Army New Zealand. When news broke this week of the earthquake in N.Z. our first thoughts were for Phil and his family (my mother was soon on the phone to me asking if Phil would be ok!) Fortunately for Phil, he lives in Auckland, which is on the north island of N.Z. Christchurch, where the quake hit, is on south island. Nevertheless there are Church Army personnel in Christchurch, and the last I heard was that Phil was catching a plane to Christchurch to work alongside the Church Army folk there, in offering what help and support they can to those who have suffered through the recent terrible events. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his colleagues, and indeed with all the people of Christchurch who have been affected.

When trouble comes, we have the choice of facing it head on, or trying to run away and hide. The way of Jesus is to face up to troubles, to rejoice in the knowledge that even in the toughest of times he is with us and will never let us go, and to seek to offer support and encouragement to others who are experiencing hard times.

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