Monday 13 June 2011

When is a weed not a weed?

When is a weed not a weed? That is a question which has been exercising my mind recently. Not of earth-shattering importance, perhaps, but an interesting one nevertheless.

So what is a weed? According to GardenWeb, "A weed is a plant that is growing where it is not wanted." Sounds like a reasonable definition to me. But the reality is that most people are prejudiced against certain plants, and automatically think of them as weeds. Take dandelions, for example; they are actually quite beautiful in their own way, but most gardeners do their best to remove them long before they flower (probably because of the multitudinous seeds which appear after the petals!)

A couple of days ago I decided to take advantage of a break in the rain to mow the lawns. However, when I got to the front lawn I noticed that some lovely orange plants had appeared there. In reality they would be classed by many as weeds, but to me they were too beautiful to destroy. I decided that the front lawn would have to wait to be mown. I want to enjoy the "weeds" for a few more days!

A couple of weeks ago we had a poster at the front of church which read something like this: "Society's rejects are welcomed by God". One of our church members didn't appreciate the poster; she said that she didn't like to think of anyone being classed as a reject. I understand the point, but the sad truth is that many people do feel rejected by society, and the poster was making the point that those who are rejected by others will always be loved and welcomed by God.

Jesus demonstrated, through his public ministry, God's love for those who were despised and downtrodden in his society. He was severely criticised by the religious leaders, and even given the name "friend of sinners". And that's just what he was! Jesus went out of his way to show that God's love, grace and forgiveness are for everyone, regardless of their background, skin colour or status. All who came to Jesus in faith were welcomed. Those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus need to shown that same love and acceptance.

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