The first lady had been seeking asylum in the UK for some years. Anyone who knows anything about the asylum system will understand that the application process can be long, tortuous and, at times, dispiriting. In most cases there are many ups and downs along the way, and there sometimes appears to be little compassion or understanding given to people who may have endured some harrowing experiences. In this case, the lady had been waiting for many months for the result of her appeal to be made know. When I saw her earlier in the week, the smile on her face gave me an indication that she was a herald of good news! When she told me that she had been given leave to stay in the UK, it felt natural to share in her joy with an embrace.
For the second lady, however, the word "joyful" would not be the first word one might think of when describing the situation she faced. After quite a lengthy period of increasing ill-health, her husband of more than 60 years had finally passed away. Again it felt natural to offer an embrace, but this time as an attempt to express empathy and love at a time of great loss.
I realise that not everyone is a "touchy-feely" type, but I firmly believe that in all sorts of different situations, an appropriate embrace can express far more than mere words.
One of the most well known of Jesus' parables is the parable of the lost (or "prodigal") son. The son demands his inheritance, and leaves the family home. He duly squanders the whole lot, and finds himself in desperate circumstances. Eventually he makes the journey home, unsure whether he will be forgiven by his father. However, we are told, 'When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him.' The warmth of a father's embrace! The father was overjoyed, and welcomed his son back into the family with a party!
Jesus told that story to illustrate God's love for each of us. Whatever our past, whatever our background, whatever our failings, God longs to embrace us with his love. And the love he gives us is for us to give away. Is there someone you know who needs a hug?
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