Thursday 24 November 2011

Everyone needs some Time Out

Earlier today I had a meeting with Sue and Janet, two ladies from church. The purpose of the meeting was to continue planning for a "Quiet Day" which we are having at Priory on 17 December. After I had made tea/coffee for us (always the best was to start a meeting!) Sue produced out of her bag some Time Out chocolate bars. I must say that the chocolate went very nicely with my coffee.

The slogan on the wrapper was, "Everyone needs some Time Out". How appropriate, I thought, as we were meeting to plan a Quiet Day!
The whole purpose of the Quiet Day is to give people the opportunity to take some time out from what can often be a hectic and very busy time in the run-up to Christmas. We are hoping to provide an oasis of quiet and reflection as a kind of antidote to the hussle and bussle of the season.

We are taking as our theme "Stations of the Nativity", and will be setting up a number of prayer stations where visitors can stop and reflect on elements of the nativity story. There will also be suggestions for practical responses and prayers.
The final stage of the journey will be the manger itself. Just like the wise men, we will be given the opportunity to worship the Christ child. I am excited at the possibilities of the day, and how it might bless those who come.

To come back to the
Time Out bar, there is, of course, a sense in which its slogan is a very Biblical one. Time out, or rest, is a God ordained element of life. There is an occasion recorded in the gospels when Jesus said to the disciples, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.' We live in such a busy society, everyone rushing around, people in a hurry, no time for.... Even in the wonderful Christmas season we can become so tied down with planning and preparations that we don't allow ourselves any time to step aside from the rush, and focus on what really is the heart of Christmas - the birth of Jesus, God's Son.

We are not machines. We were not created to become workaholics. We need times out to rest and reflect.

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