Monday 6 October 2014

Good News is for Sharing!

Former TV newsreader Martin Lewis caused a certain amount of controversy a few years ago when he stated his belief that television should feature more "good news."  There can be little argument that our TV news bulletins seem to be focused on "bad news" stories.  A glance at today's BBC online news page, for example, includes stories about the advance of ISIS in Syria, a murder trial in South Africa, politicians criticising one another, stormy weather hitting power supplies, and a well know personality suffering from cancer.  All-in-all, not exactly uplifting!  

In the midst of this plethora of negative news stories, which can become depressing, to hear good news stories can be immensely encouraging and can lift our spirits.  Most of us love good news: a birth in the family, a successful job application, an examination passed, a marriage proposal accepted, a really enjoyable holiday - the list could go on.  And when good news comes across our path, our first instinct is to share it!  It's a natural response.  Yet there seems to be an exception, at least amongst Christians.

There are a number of English translations of the Bible.  One of the more recent translations is The Good News Bible.   What a great title!  Mark's gospel begins with these words, 'The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.'  The story of Jesus is the best good news story ever!  Indeed, the whole Bible is the story of God's amazing love for human beings, and how, despite our continual rebellion against God's ways, he still pours out his love on us.  John puts it like this in his gospel:

'God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.'  (John 3:16)

When we disobey God (sin) a dividing wall separates us from God and destroys our relationship with him.  The good news is that by Jesus' death on the cross he paid the price for our sin; through faith in him, our sins are forgiven and our relationship with our heavenly Father is restored.  What's more, our eternal destiny is secure in him.  The best news ever!

And yet, and I'm not quite sure why this is, many of us Christians seem so reluctant to talk about our faith, to share the Good News of God's love in Christ. We need to recover our confidence in the gospel, recognising the Jesus is good news for every person.  We don't need a theological degree, or even to go on a training course on evangelism (a word which many seem scared of, but which simply means sharing good news).  The first step is to be ready to share the story of what God has done in our own lives.  Who knows where that might lead!

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