Monday 4 June 2012

Beth and Max teach granddad about God

As I was preaching last night, I received a revelation about the nature of God's love, and it was thanks to my two wonderful grandchildren, Beth and Max.

Max was born in January.   He is wide-eyed and appears to be absorbed in the world around him.  It seems that almost from the beginning, his eyes roam the scenes around him, trying to take in all sights around, fixing his attention on the people he sees.  I have never known a baby quite like Max in this respect.

Max was our first grandchild, and he is very special.  But just to show that babies can be a bit like buses, last week along came Beth, our second grandchild!  Although she is still just a few days old, already her nature and character is beginning to be revealed.  She is a very placid young lady, and seems to spend a lot of her time asleep!  We haven't heard her cry yet, though I'm told that she doesn't like bath time very much!

Quite a few people told me before either Max or Beth were born how wonderful it is being a grandparent.  Now I know for myself - it's one of the most brilliant experiences of my life! 

So to get back to where I began...  During a sermon I was talking about how so many people have a wrong understanding of the nature and character of God.  God can sometimes be viewed as a kind of tyrant, who sets out a series of rules and regulations, then stands over us with a big stick waiting to beat us up if we step out of line.  Many people seem to struggle to understand how God can love them; there is the feeling that we have to somehow strive to earn God's love. I believe that a misguided view of God can prevent people from fully receiving his love.  What God wants more than anything is for us to receive and embrace his love, and enter into a loving relationship with him.

As I was preaching, I began to talk about new-born Beth.  Though she has never spoken to me, never made me a cup of tea, never given me a kiss or done anything to earn my love, I love her with all my heart and would willingly lay down my life for her (and I could say the very same thing of Max).  As the words came out of my mouth I felt great emotional welling up inside; not only because of the acknowledgement of my own feelings as a granddad, but also the realisation that in some was I was talking about the love of God for every human being.

We can't do or say anything to earn God's love.  As someone once said, nothing we can do or say can make God love us any more or any less.  God's love for you and me isn't dependent on our behaviour, our lifestyle, our background, or physical looks, or anything like that.  God loves us because he IS love, it is in his nature to love (just as it is in my nature to love my grandchildren).  My prayer is that both Max and Beth will one day come to experience the riches of God's love for themselves.  Thanks to you both for reminding granddad what God's love is like!

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